Monday, September 30, 2013

We are almost in October and what a wonderful month September has been for me! I'm busy learning what it takes to be a TaVaci Director and having a fun time teaching your fabulous children each week!

Here are some important dates to remember and mark on your calendars:

*We will have fittings for costumes on October 15th (Kuna) and 17th (Meridian) during normal class times. If you have a used costume to sell, bring it that week and we will try to sell it for you. If you need a costume for your child, please contact me so I am aware.

*There will be NO TaVaci on October 29th, 31st, November 26th and 28th.

*Dress rehearsal is mandatory and will be on December 3rd (Kuna) and 5th (Meridian) during their normal class times. They must come in full costume including hair done, tights, shoes, hair bows and all.

*The performance is scheduled in the Kuna Performing Arts Center on December 7th at 5:00pm. Students need to arrive by 4:30. There will be a mandatory rehearsal the morning of the 7th from 9-12. The children should NOT wear their costume to this rehearsal.

*We will have classes on December 10th (Kuna) and 12th (Meridian). This will be our last class for the semester and I will provide pizza for a Pizza party. I will be combining classes on those days so all Kuna students will meet at 4:15 and all Meridian students will meet at 4:30. The Children are welcome to bring treats to share for the party.

I have been trying to secure a new location for Kuna classes and it has been a bit difficult. Until I can find a new location please enter the parking area from the back alley and exit onto Main St. I am hoping this will make things a bit easier for everyone in the meantime.
As always please contact me by e-mail ( or phone (208-353-3131) with any questions you have.
Thanks for making my first TaVaci memories so great!
Angie Hatch